
Showing posts from December, 2012

Recent incidents.....

I feel our last 2 generations were extremely selfish and busy in making money and playing mind games. And the elders in politics who just don't want let go of their positions and ego. Although, I strongly believe that we have 99% bullshit in our culture; some how I also feel that it were parents/families who missed out on giving some crucial teachings, values to future generations. ... They clearly to a large extent failed to make females independent and strong in every way, most of it mentally. An independent women automatically develops the guts to kick a man's ass at right time, in right place when required. Women even today strongly suffer deep down a feeling of security. Our earlier generations totally failed in making males in our society sophisticated enough so that they could accept women just as humans and part of society. Our families never felt the need to feed them with right and wrong. And as I always say, every segment in society has managed to achi
Summer of 1999 The breaking news spread like wild fire in the entire college. And it ought to be. Reason being- it was in the history of that college wherein the typical dress code clause for women was removed. So basically, women students were allowed to wear jeans/trousers too if they want. But that was it. Nothing more or should I say nothing less :D Well, according to me it was the best thing ever. However, on one hand where it brought huge relief to me, at the same time it invited way more competition in dressing among girls. Majority of girls from regular arts/ honors  still continued with the dress code. But the commerce and management girls,  "Holy cow!" As I mentioned earlier in my posts, we use to hear a lot of rumors about the Principal of our college. Starting from how strict she was to why was she divorced. Honestly, I personally had made my own impression about her and boy it was good. I always thought that strictness was required as part