Recent incidents.....

I feel our last 2 generations were extremely selfish and busy in making money and playing mind games. And the elders in politics who just don't want let go of their positions and ego.
Although, I strongly believe that we have 99% bullshit in our culture; some how I also feel that it were parents/families who missed out on giving some crucial teachings, values to future generations. ...
They clearly to a large extent failed to make females independent and strong in every way, most of it mentally. An independent women automatically develops the guts to kick a man's ass at right time, in right place when required. Women even today strongly suffer deep down a feeling of security.

Our earlier generations totally failed in making males in our society sophisticated enough so that they could accept women just as humans and part of society. Our families never felt the need to feed them with right and wrong.
And as I always say, every segment in society has managed to achieve their sense of respect and power and fear by doing what ever they could but women. This anger we see today should have been initiated by our grandmothers.
Sadly, the truth remains that even today most women rightfully want to be dependent on men and want an easy life which obviously gives men a feeling to treat women the way they want. Truth also remains that 97% of all Indians including all social website users still want a boy in their family and unfortunately it is the women who cry their eyes out the most.
Truth is that if a decade or two back, when a girl objected to a roadside romeo, the first one under suspicion would be the girl because we all blindly believe that nothing can happen unless provoked.
While in college, I heard girls who got thrashed and bullied by their brothers if they were seen with some boy. However, the same girls fondly teased their brothers with pride when they saw him with some girl. 
A wife chooses to blame another women instead of analysing if her life partner is at fault. A boy even at the age of 6 feels he is owner of a 10 year old girl.

4 out 5 crimes against women are intended to humiliate and hurt women (not always for sexual desires). Imagine what mentality men carry after they are born in this society. To top it all, their is absolutely no fear of law or being punished. Wether in society or law of that country.
It's ALL wrong!!!!!!
YES culprits should be punished but there are so many of them already and will be more if families and societies do not start putting basic values and required fear and hesitations in boys right from the beginning. We have to tell them difference b/w flirt, attraction and of now, today's women have a long journey and lots to fight for, but we can definitely ensure that our future angels are safe and have the freedom to live the way they want.


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