Year 2003..

A smart proud graduate in Business. Impatient to take up a job. Found few jobs however, family culture and beliefs, "A graduate is good for nothing" must do Masters atleast.

Hunt started for admissions into universities/colleges for MBA course. 

1. I am not IIM stuff so that was clearly ruled out
2. Few universities I declined, Few declined me and finally I was in this lovely college close to my city (Now a big university ) because evidently going away for MBA degree was did not make sense as per my relative(z)

Like a typical real estate promises timely possession of property, the college was newly constructed but promised to be ready by the time classes commence however it dint happen.  Hence, for some time after college started, alot of construction noise use to occur.

Here let me highlight that back in graduate college,  was also newly constructed department of commerce and hence construction use to take place. I figured I was meant for places which are always under going some works and are in state of being established.

First of day of MBA course, my batch was going pilot. All students were advised to collect in the new the hall. ( I felt they wanted to show off their OHP's and new auditorium etc etc)
There were highly qualified professors from respected universities and colleges. I was impressed with the staff. 
And then as we all are accustomed to our Indian pattern. Every new class, new teacher and all they wanted was introduction. A few smart asses would get in front of the whole class and proudly state their last scores/%age and streams for e.g. 'Medical' 72% .... and I am like .... Dude!! then what are you doing here??? and there, the scores began the story 'first impression is last impression theory'. 

As a typical group of people, we always find some stereotype personalities every where. So there was this one guy who desperately wanted to be THE GUY of the class by his constant chattering mistaking as his charm trying with all the teachers. Oh BTW my last college was girls college so here it was ofcourse different. 
Now I was born to run towards the opposite direction from rest of the crowd. Hence I was definitely running NOT along with guys ( for this, plz read the prior posts ) you will know :)

There were/are also few guy(s) who follow the charmer guy like a lamb, because they are confident that this is the best way to justify their useless birth in to this world. We also always come across a little more fat guy who may seem not attractive but decent in manners and a good boy type.( who after 10 years shocks you with drastic change and gets fit physical body and becomes a killer )

Then there was this guy who played both sides for girls and boys. and this god's son willingly, blindly n confidently lives in the coma that he's  awsmly clever since he could manage to hear what guys talk and at the same time become confidante for girls. He shall always go to all with an unwanted advise. 

Coming to girls...count of girls was less compared to guys. Now I could not miss 'The Miss' College already. She so knew how to get things done ( if you know what I mean ) 

God I wish I had that quality... even today!!! But why guyssss? 


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